Lightroom beginner guide
Lightroom beginner guide

lightroom beginner guide

However, it can take some getting used to. The advantages of using Lightroom are endless, and despite also having Photoshop at my disposal I find myself going through my whole post processing workflow in Lightroom alone 90% of the time. This can seem like a daunting task to the beginner photographer, but there is no program I recommend more than Adobe Lightroom.

lightroom beginner guide

RAW files, by their very nature, are much flatter than JPEGs due to the lack of editing taking place inside the camera, so to take full advantage of the range of data captured in a RAW file we need to undergo some post-processing.

lightroom beginner guide

If you're shooting in RAW, you'll soon realise that editing your photographs is almost a prerequisite in order to get the best out of your files.

Lightroom beginner guide